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Patriot FC

2024 Fall Season Overview

Fall Soccer Sprouts Intramural Program (Players under 4 years old)

Patriot FC implements a clinic-style format for our youngest players. All players born in 2021 are eligible for this division. This division has a discounted registration fee, and consists of fun challenges for our youngest players. The focus will be on playing one on one with the ball. This group trains once per week, on Saturdays, led by our trainers with parent assistance.  We will hold informal scrimmages at the end of each training session, but this age group will not have the more formal structure that is found in our older divisions.

Registration includes a full kit: player shirt, shorts, and socks. Each player is required to bring water, size 3 ball, & wear shin guards and cleats/sneakers to practice. 

Fall Intramural Program (Players Pre-K through 12th Grade)

The Fall Intramural program is for players 4-18 years old. Our teams play in divisions that are organized based upon age and grade.  Following along with our small-sided game philosophy, our youngest divisions play 3v3 sided games, our middle divisions play 4v4, 7v7 and 9v9 sided games, and our middle and high school students play 11v11.

Patriot FC’s IM program is a true developmental program, and as per US Youth Soccer guidelines we have chosen to play small sided games for players 5th grade and younger. Small-sided games are played on smaller fields, much the same way that other sports use progressively sized fields to accommodate play for smaller sized players.  The purpose of this approach is to increase the number of ball touches that every player gets during a game or practice, simplify the game for our youngest players, allow each player to be actively involved in all facets of the game, and give them more opportunities to score.  Smaller numbers also mean that the coach to player ratio is smaller, guaranteeing every player more individual teaching time. For more information on short sided games and the philosophy behind this approach, please check out the US Youth Soccer website.

Young Intramural / In-House Teams (Players 3rd grade and younger)

Our younger teams will only play in-house games. All intramural players in the younger age divisions will receive one weekday training in addition to their 8 scheduled games. This will increase the amount of training exposure that each of our players receives during the season.

Older Intramural / Recreational SEPA League (Players 4th grade and older)

Inter-Club play will consist of home and away games for all of our teams in the older divisions. In the past, our older teams have participated in the SEPA Recreational League - We will continue play here, and will also explore other options for Inter-Club play that may include games against neighboring clubs. SEPA offers our older intramural players the opportunity to play against neighboring townships in a full soccer setting, including referees.
Coaches, players, and parents will be advised as to locations for weekly practices and home games, but they will be either Brownsburg Park or Veterans Park. Away games will be played at neighboring clubs' fields. Games are generally on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. Teams will be formed in August and coaches will share the information then.

Fall 2024 Practice and Game Schedule

Fall Young Intramural season kicks off with MEET-YOUR-COACH/TEAMMATES & UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION.
Due to Labor Day Monday 9/2, boys will report Wednesday 9/4 during the practice session time. Practices will resume on Mondays starting 9/9/24.
GIRLS : Report 9/5 Thursday during the weekly practice session.

Fall Young Intramural games and trainings are played on Saturdays at Brownsburg Park. First game will be September 7, 2024.
Our 8 week program runs from September 4 through October 26. Rain date is November 2, if needed. 

Team Photo Day: TBD

**Tentative based on final registration numbers **

BOYS -Week of 9/2 LABOR DAY, report on WEDNESDAY 9/4.
  • Pre-K (9/1/19-12/31/20) Mondays 5:30-6:30 pm
  • K- 1st (9/1/17-8/31/19) Mondays 5:30-6:30 pm
  • 2nd-3rd (9/1/15-8/31/17) Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm
  • Pre-K (9/1/19-12/31/20) Thursdays 5:30-6:30 pm
  • K- 1st (9/1/17-8/31/19) Thursdays 5:30-6:30 pm
  • 2nd-3rd (9/1/15-8/31/17) Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm
  • No midweek 2021 birthyear BOYS & GIRLS (Sprouts) practice
**Tentative based on final registration numbers**

  • 9:30 - 10:30am Pre-K (9/1/19-12/31/20)
  • 9:30 - 10:30am K-1st (9/1/17-8/31/19)
  • 9:30 - 10:30am 2nd-3rd (9/1/15-8/31/17)
  • 10:00 - 10:45am 2021 Birthyear BOYS & GIRLS (Sprouts)
  • 11:00 - 12:00pm Pre-K (9/1/19-12/31/20) Girls
  • 11:00 - 12:00pm K- 1st (9/1/17-8/31/19) Girls
  • 11:00 - 12:00pm 2nd-3rd (9/1/15-8/31/17) Girls

Intramural Registration Information

Registrations are processed online using a secure website.  If you have any difficulty registering online, please contact our registrar Stephanie Thomson at [email protected].  If you have any questions about the programs that are not answered here, you may contact Gavin Flannigan, Director of Coaching and Player Development, at [email protected].  

Fall Soccer Sprouts Intramural Registration (Players 3 years old; 2021 birth year)

  • Soccer Sprouts Intramural Registration Fee is $145
  • Registration fee includes a full soccer kit - shirt, shorts, & socks. Shin guards, size 3 ball, & cleats/sneakers provided by player.
  • Intramural Registration is open from May 3 through September 18
  • Refunds will be administered up to August 1 (anticipated uniform ordering), and will include a $25 administrative fee that is non-refundable. No refunds after August 1.

Fall Intramural Registration (Players 4-18 years old)

  • Registration fee includes a full soccer kit - jersey, shorts, socks (shin guards, ball, and cleats/sneakers provided by player)
  • Until July 31, parents can sign up for a coach volunteer role, or pay $75 opt out of volunteering. After July 31, the volunteer option will no longer be available and the $75 fee will apply.
  • Registration Late Fee of $50 applies after July 31.

Fall Intramural Registration Fee:

      Young Intramural / In-House Teams (9/1/15-12/31/20)

     $200 with volunteer coach option & registration on or before July 31. 
     On or after August 1, registration is $200 plus $75 volunteer opt-out fee plus $50 late fee.

      Older Intramural / SEPA League Teams U12 - U19 (9/1/06-8/31/15) 
      $225 with volunteer coach option & registration on or before July 31.
      On or after August 1, registration is $225 plus $75 volunteer opt-out fee plus $50 late fee.

Young Intramural Registration is open from May 3 - September 18

Older Intramural / SEPA Registration is open from May 3 - August 15. 
SEPA Team formation will take place in early August based on registrations and structure of the league. Register by August 1 to be considred for the SEPA teams. Team requests will not be honored after August 1.

Refunds will be administered up to August 1 (anticipated uniform ordering), and will include a $25 administrative fee that is non-refundable. No refunds after August 1. 

NOTE: ALL players in ALL divisions need shin guards and cleats to participate. Shin guards are to be worn on the inside of a soccer sock.

Fall Intramural Volunteer Commitment

During the registration process, each family will be asked to select their volunteer commitment to Patriot FC.  Our Soccer Sprout division is exempt from this commitment. Patriot FC’s goal is to offer the best training for our players in a fun environment that encourages a love of the game.  We invest our resources in trainers to optimize practices, training courses and training tools to assist our volunteer coaches, equipment and field improvements.

We depend on our family volunteers to manage many of our club responsibilities. Parents/ guardians of our Young Intramural may choose from 3 volunteer opportunities. Parents/guardians of our Older Intramurals (SEPA) may choose from 3 also. Descriptions of these commitments can be found below. We need every family to support the club. Please choose carefully as the Patriot FC Board of Directors, coaches, children and parents are all counting on everyone's help. 

Patriot FC understands that some families are not able to volunteer their time. In this case, we offer a volunteer-opt-out option per player.  After reading the description, if you believe your family will not be able to support the club through this role, please select the opt-out-option. The opt-out-option cost is $75 per player. By August 1, volunteer roles will be filled and the $75 opt-out fee will be automatically applied at registration. 

Volunteer Options

Young Intramurals:

  • Coach - Organizes and leads weekend games. Each team requires at least 2 volunteer coaches.

Older Intramurals Recreational (SEPA):

  • Coach - Organizes and leads weekly practices and weekend games. Each team requires at least 2 volunteer coaches.


2024 Fall Sprouts Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

2024 Fall Young Intramural Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

2024 Fall Older Intramural Registration (Recreational/SEPA)

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Patriot FC

12 Taylor Way 
Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania 18977

Email: [email protected]

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