The purpose of the Patriot FC (PFC) travel team tryout process is to form teams with players who have similar soccer ability and commitment level. The process described here, offers general guidelines on the formation of travel teams. Exceptions to this process may occur, but only with the prior agreement of the Director of Coaching (DoC) and Board of Directors.
Tryouts are held during late April to mid May; exact dates are confirmed by April 15 each year. Team tryout eligibility is based on gender and EPYSA age group definitions. Tryouts for the 2025-26 year will be held the weeks of April 21 and April 28, 2025.
Tryouts are publicized through postings on the Patriot FC website, social media and through e-mail notifications to Patriot FC mailing lists.
Players must register before tryouts start through the Patriot FC website. No child may try out without having registered. Late registration may be possible but must be done online; no registrations will be processed at the tryout location.
Tryouts are held for two (2) days for age groups U14 and younger and at least one (1) day for teams U15 and older. Number of tryout sessions may change based on the expected number of players for an age group.
It is recommended that players attend every tryout date. Players are required to attend at least one tryout to be considered for a team. If a player cannot attend the tryouts, notification must be submitted in writing (e-mail is acceptable) to the DoC. A player may be offered the opportunity to attend a regular practice instead of the official tryout. The duration of a tryout is about 90 minutes depending on the age group.
Upon check-in, all players are assigned a numbered t-shirt and will be identified by that number throughout the tryout process. Players must wear shin guards, cleats (or turf shoes), and bring water & right size ball.
Parents are encouraged to watch from the viewing area. There should be no cheering or individual coaching during a tryout.
“Players” comprise any age-appropriate individual that registers for and takes part in the Patriot FC travel tryouts. Players are not organized based on previous team placements.
“Evaluators” comprise training professionals chosen by the DoC to offer unbiased, formal ratings based on age-appropriate tactical and technical soccer abilities.
Club volunteers (board members, coaches, managers and parents) are used during the tryout sessions to help with check-in, registrations and other supportive role as requested by the DoC.
The tryout format is developed by the DoC and will consist of small or full-sided scrimmage games based on the age group.
Patriot FC recommends that most children play with their birth-year team. We feel this provides the ideal environment for social and soccer development. We also recognize that advanced players may benefit by playing in an older age group. Patriot FC will allow players to try out for a team that is one (1) birth year older. Before making this decision players and families should speak with their coach and our Director of Coaching to see if playing up is the right decision. Players who try out for a team are NOT guaranteed to be offered a roster spot.
Players who are interested in playing up are required to attend at least one (1) tryout for their birth-year team. This will allow the club to understand the landscape for each age group and help tryout evaluators determine the best fit for each player.
For the 2025-2026 season, there will be two (2) tryout dates for each age group. Players are encouraged to attend all tryout sessions for the team(s) they want to play on. For example, a player who wants to play up could attend up to four (4) tryouts; two (2) for their birth-year team & two (2) for the year older.
One professional evaluator will take the lead role and coordinate the on-field evaluation while the tryouts are in progress. The Director of Coaching assumes this role when possible.
Players are scored on their technical, tactical and physical ability. Evaluators will also look at the player’s desire to learn and how they interact with other players.
A standard tryout evaluation form is used by the evaluators to record and report results.
The scores from the tryouts are collected and averaged before being ranked. This is done by the DoC. No individual scores are shared; only the average score and final ranking of the players.
The DoC provides the head coaches of the teams in each age group the final scores and rankings.
The coaching staff of the teams in the age group will meet individually to select their rosters, the DoC and other board members may attend to offer guidance and support. Coaches are encouraged to select an appropriate number of players for the age group and level of competition they play.
The tryout scores and rankings, trainer & coach feedback from the previous season, and team needs are factored when selecting players for a team. A final roster will be selected and sent to the Director of Coaching for approval.
If there are multiple teams in an age & gender group; the higher-flight team (A) selects players first, using the above guidelines. Once the A team roster is finalized the B team selects from the remaining players in the age group.
Patriot FC aims to conclude team selection within two weeks of the last tryout date for each age group.
Coaches will notify every player who attended a tryout for the age group. Notifications are made by email or phone. Coaches are encouraged to speak with players who are not offered a spot, they should offer feedback for those wishing to receive it.
Players have 48 hours to accept or decline the offered roster spot.
Players may decline a roster spot on a higher-flight team (A) to secure a roster spot on a lower-flight team (B). Approval from the Director of Coaching or the Board of Directors is required.
Player scores and rankings are not shared with parents or other members of the club due to the sensitive nature of such information.
Acceptance to a team confirms a player’s commitment to the team from August 1 of that year to July 31 of the following year. Players may switch teams with the approval of the Director of Coaching during this time. Such instances are done with the long-term development of the individual player in mind.
It is recommended that players who accept spots on a travel team, register during the early-bird registration period. This includes a reduced registration fee and allows your team to prepare for the upcoming season.
Teams cannot card a primary player until the player has completed their travel registration. Please note, for travel soccer two separate registrations are needed: (1) tryout registration (2) travel team registration. Registration questions should be directed to the club registrar.
Patriot FC is committed to a transparent tryout and player selections process. We encourage active participation from parents and players. Questions regarding player development or the tryout process should be directed to, Gavin Flannigan, Director of Coaching